O admirable Saint Rose, who wast truly a sweet flower blooming on a rugged soil;
thou wast indeed a rose among thorns, bearing with meekness and patience the stings of envious tongues, and preserving perfect purity and modesty amid the alluring blandishments of a deceitful world.
To the sufferings inflicted on thee by others thou didst add the voluntary tortures of fasting and watching, of the discipline, of the crown of thorns and of the hair shirt,
to subdue the flesh and to make thyself like unto thy heavenly Spouse.
By the merits which thou hast thus gained with thy divine Bridegroom,
obtain for us the grace to bear our afflictions with patience,
to remain pure and modest, to be meek and humble,
to be faithful to the inspirations of the Holy Ghost,
and so to mortify our passions that we may be ever more pleasing and acceptable
in the sight of our dear Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen.
O dear St. Rose, by the excessive love that inundated thy soul when thou didst hear from the lips of Christ the loving words: “Rose of My heart, you shall be My spouse!”–obtain for us and for our children a true love for Jesus Christ and an ardent desire to be united with Him. May our hearts, enclosed in His Heart, seek nothing but the perfection of His virtues, the fullness of His grace, and the imitation of His example! Obtain for us patience in suffering; gentleness under offenses; humility in calumny and abuse; and in all the affairs of life a pure heart and a contented mind. Obtain for us constant and generous renunciation of our willful desires, perfect victory over evil inclination, perseverance in prayer and good works, that we may ever please our God and, in the end, attain to a share in His glory. Amen.
Day 9 prayed. St. Rose of Lima, pray for us. Amen.
Day 9 prayed. St. Rose of Lima, pray for us. Amen
Day 9 prayed. St. Rose of Lima, pray for us. Amen
Day 8 prayed.
Day 8 prayed
Day 8 prayed
Day 7 prayed.
Day 7 prayed
Day 6 prayed.
Day 6 prayed